2023 Objects and the Grammar of Countability, with Peter Sutton. Under contract with Oxford University Press.
2021 Countability in Natural Language. Cambridge University Press. 298 pages. (editor)

1999 / 2016 / 2022 Aspect, Eventuality Types and Noun Phrase Semantics. (Author). Series: Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics. Series editor Larry Horn (Yale University).

First published in 1999 by Garland Publishing, Inc. New York and London. 321 pages.
Published in 2016 by as a hardcover by Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group): New York and London.
Published in 2022 as a hardcover and also an eBook by Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group): New York and London.
ISBN 13: 978-0 -8153 -32 71-8 (hb k)
DOI: 10.432419780203827413
Citation: Filip, H. (1999). Aspect, Eventuality Types and Nominal Reference (1st ed.). Routledge.
Link to the Routledge eBook publication (2022).
Link to the Kindle publication on
Link to the Barnes&Noble Bookstore
2005 Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL 14). The Princeton University Meeting. James Lavine, Steven Franks, Hana Filip and Mila Tasseva-Kurktchieva (eds.) Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan Slavic Publications. 427 pages.
1987 Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Jon Aske, Natasha Beery, Laura Michaelis and Hana Filip. 472 pages.
“On Krifka’s ‘Nominal Reference, Temporal Constitution and Quantification in Event Semantics.’ “ A Reader’s Guide to Classic Papers in Formal Semantics, Volume 100 of Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy, edited by Louise McNally, and Zoltán Gendler Szabó. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
“Metaphorical Measure Expressions” (with Peter R. Sutton, Mia Windhearn and Todd Snider), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 26, edited by Daniel Gutzmann and Sophie Repp. University of Cologne. Pp. 824–844. DOI:
“Lexical Aspect (Aktionsart).” The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Semantics, edited by Gutzman, Daniel, Matthewson, Lisa, Cécile Meier, Hotze Rullman and Thomas Ede Zimmermann. Wiley Blackwell Publishing. DOI: 10.1002/9781118788516.sem038
“The count/mass distinction for granular nouns” (with Peter Sutton). Countability in Natural Language, edited by Hana Filip. Cambridge University Press.
“Container, Portion and Measure Interpretations of Pseudo-Partitive Constructions” (with Peter Sutton). Things and Stuff: The Semantics of the Count-Mass Distinction, edited by Jeffry F. Pelletier, Tibor Kiss and Halima Husić. Cambridge University Press.
“Object Mass Nouns as Arbiter for the Mass/Count Category” (with Kurt Erbach, Peter Sutton and Kathrin Byrdeck). Things and Stuff: The Semantics of the Count-Mass Distinction, edited by Jeffry F. Pelletier, Tibor Kiss and Halima Husić. Cambridge University Press.
“Informational Object Nouns and the Mass/Count distinction” (with Peter Sutton). Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 24, edited by Michael Franke, Nikola Kompa, Mingya Liu, Jutta L. Mueller, and Juliane Schwab. Pp. 319-335.
“Singular/Plural contrasts: The case of Informational Object Nouns.” (with Peter Sutton). Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Amsterdam Colloquium 2019, edited by Julian J. Schlöder, Dean McHugh and Floris Roelofsen, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Pp.367-376.
“Bare nouns and the Hungarian Mass/Count distinction.” (with Kurt Erbach and Peter R. Sutton). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Language, Logic, and Computation, vol 11456 (Proceedings of the 12th International Tbilisi Symposium, TbiLLC 2017, Lagodekhi, Georgia), edited by Alexandra Silva, Sam Staton, Peter R. Sutton and Carla Umbach. pp. 86-107. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
“Exceed Comparison and A/B Numeral Modifiers in Czech” (with Mojmír Dočekal and Marcin Wągiel). Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL 27). The Stanford University Meeting. Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan Slavic Publications. Pp. 418-441.
“Counting constructions and coercion: container, contents and measure interpretations” (with Peter R. Sutton). Approaches to Coercion and Polysemy. Oslo Studies in Language (OSLa) 10(2), edited by Alexandra Anna Spalek and Matthew Gotham. Pp. 97-119.
“Restrictions on Subkind Coercion in Object Mass Nouns” (with Peter R. Sutton). Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21, edited by Robert Truswell, Chris Cummins, Caroline Heycock, Brian Rabern, and Hannah Rohde. Pp. 1195-1213.
“Individuation, Reliability and the Mass/Count Distinction” (with Peter R. Sutton). Journal of Language Modelling 5(2), a special issue edited by Robin Cooper and Christian Retoré. Pp. 303-356.
“Singular Count NPs in Measure Constructions” (main author, with Peter R. Sutton). SALT 27 (Semantics and Linguistic Theory), Ithaca: CLC Publications, Department of Linguistics, Cornell University. Pp. 340-357.
“Object Mass Nouns in Japanese” (with Kurt Erbach, Peter R. Sutton and Kathrin Byrdeck). Proceedings of the 21st Amsterdam Colloquium, edited by Cremers, Alexandre, Thom van Gessel and Floris Roelofsen. Pp.235-244.
“The Semantics of Perfectivity.” Italian Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 29, Issue 1. Pp. 167-200. DOI 10.26346/1120-2726-107.
“A probabilistic, mereological account of the mass/count distinction” (with Peter R. Sutton). Logic, Language, and Computation. 11th International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation, TbiLLC 2015, Tbilisi, Georgia, September 21-26, 2015, Revised Selected Papers, edited by Hansen, Helle Hvid, Murray, Sarah E., Sadrzadeh, Mehrnoosh and Henk Zeevat. Springer. Pp. 146-170. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-54332-0.
“Countability: Individuation and Context” (with Peter R. Sutton). Formal Grammar, edited by Foret, Annie, Morrill, Glyn, Muskens, Reinhard, Osswald, Rainer, Pogodalla, Sylvain. Springer DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-53042-9. Pp. 290-305.
“Counting in context” (with Peter R. Sutton). SALT 26 (Semantics and Linguistic Theory) edited by Moroney, Mary, Little, Carol-Rose, Collard, Jacob and Burgdorf, Dan. LSA and CLC Publications.Pp. 350-370.
“Mass/Count Variation: A Mereological, Two-dimensional Semantics” (with Peter R. Sutton). Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic, and Communication 11, edited by Rothstein, Susan and Jurģis Šķilters. New Prarie Press. DOI:
“Vagueness, Overlap, and Countability” (with Peter R. Sutton). Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 20, edited by Nadine Bade, Polina Berezovskaya and Anthea Schöller, Tübingen (Germany). Pp.730-747.
“Scalar Implicatures of Russian Verbs” (with Yulia Zinova). In: Szajbel-Keck, Malgorzata, Burns, Roslyn, & Kavitskaya, Darya (eds.) Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics The First Berkeley Meeting 2014. Michigan Slavic Publications, Ann Arbor, USA. pp. 382-401.
“Biaspectual Verbs: A Marginal Category?” (with Yulia Zinova). Language, Logic and Computation, 10th International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation, TbiLLC 2013, Gudauri, Georgia, September 23-27, 2013. Revised Selected Papers, edited by Martin Aher, Emil Jerabek, Daniel Hole and Clemens Kupke. Pp. 310-332.
“Meaning Components in the Constitution of Russian Verbs: Presuppositions or Implicatures?” (with Yulia Zinova). SALT 24 (Semantics and Linguistic Theory), New York University, New York, USA. Pp. 353-372
“The Role of Derivational History in Aspect Determination” (with Yulia Zinova). Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL-10), University of Leipzig, Germany. Pp. 595-608.
“Lexical Aspect”, The Oxford Handbook of Tense and Aspect, edited by Robert I. Binnick, Oxford University Press. Pp. 721-751.
“Aspectual Class and Aktionsart.” Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning, edited by Maienborn, Claudia, von Heusinger Klaus and Paul Portner. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Pp. 1186–1217.
“(Tense), aspect, mood and modality – an imperfect 2008 state of the art report” (with Auwera, Johan van der). Unity and Diversity of Languages , edited by Piet van Sterkenburg. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Pp. 201-214.
“Events and Maximalization.” Theoretical and Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Semantics of Aspect, edited by Susan Rothstein. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Pp.217-256.
“Measures and Indefinites.” Reference and Quantification: The Partee Effect. Festschrift for Barbara Hall Partee, edited by Gregory N. Carlson and Francis Jeffry Pelletier. CSLI: Stanford, CA. Pp.229-288.
“On Accumulating and Having it All: Perfectivity, Prefixes and Bare Arguments.” Perspectives on Aspect. Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics, Volume 32, edited by Henk Verkuyl, Henriette de Swart and Angeliek van Hout. Dordrecht: Springer. Pp. 125-148.
“Telicity as a Semantic Parameter” (with Susan Rothstein). Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL) XIV. The Princeton University Meeting, edited by James Lavine, Steven Franks, Hana Filip and Mila Tasseva-Kurktchieva. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Slavic Publications. Pp.139-156.
“The Telicity Parameter Revisited.” SALT 14 (Semantics and Linguistic Theory). Ithaca: CLC Publications, Department of Linguistics, Cornell University. Pp. 92-109.
“Prefixes and the Delimitation of Events.” Journal of Slavic Linguistics 12. Pp.55-101.
“Circumscribing Referential Domains in Real Time Language Comprehension: Size Matters Only When You Have to Do It” (with Craig Chambers, Michael K. Tanenhaus, Kathleen M. Eberhard and Gregory N. Carlson). Journal of Memory and Language 47. Pp. 30-49.
“Reduced Relatives Judged Hard Require Constraint-Based Analyses” (with Michael K. Tanenhaus, Gregory N. Carlson, Paul D. Allopenna and Joshua Blatt). Lexical Representations in Sentence Processing, edited by Susanne Stevenson and Paola Merlo. John Benjamins: Computational Psycholinguistics Series. Pp.255-279.
“Distributivity Strengthens Reciprocity and Collectivity Weakens It” (with Gregory N. Carlson). Linguistics and Philosophy 24. Pp. 417-466.
“Nominal and Verbal Semantic Structure: Analogies and Interactions.” Language Sciences, Elsevier Science, Ltd. Pp. 453-501.
“The Semantics of Case in Secondary Predication.” SALT 11 (Semantics and Linguistic Theory) edited by Rachel Hastings, Brendan Jackson and Zsofia Zvolenszky. Ithaca: CLC Publications, Department of Linguistics, Cornell University. Pp. 192-211.
“The Quantization Puzzle.” Events as grammatical objects, from the combined perspectives of lexical semantics, logical semantics and syntax, edited by Carol Tenny and James Pustejovsky. Stanford: CSLI Press. Pp.39-91.
“Words and Worlds: The Construction of Context for Definite Reference.” Craig Chambers, Michael K. Tanenhaus, Kathleen M. Eberhard, Gregory N. Carlson and Hana Filip. Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, edited by M. A. Gernsbacher and S. J. Derry. Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum. Pp. 220-225.
“Reduced Relatives: Lexical Constraint-Based Analysis.” Proceedings of the Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society (BLS) 24, edited by Bergen K. Benjamin, Madelaine Plauché and Ashlee C. Bailey. Berkeley: University of California at Berkeley. Pp.57-68.
“Sui Generis Genericity” (with Gregory N. Carlson). Penn Working Papers in Linguistics 4. Philadelphia: The University of Pennsylvania. Pp.91-110.
“Integrating Telicity, Aspect and NP Semantics: The Role of Thematic Structure.” Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL) III. The College Park Meeting 1994, edited by Jindřich Toman. Ann Arbor Michigan Slavic Publications. Pp.61-96.
“Quantification, Aspect and Lexicon.” Proceedings of the ESSLLI ’96 Conference on Formal Grammar, edited by Geert-Jan M. Kruijff, Glynn Morrill, and Dick Oehrle. Prague: Charles University. Pp.43-56.
“Psychological Verbs and the Syntax-Semantics Interface.” Conceptual Structure, Discourse and Language, edited by Adele E. Goldberg. Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information. Pp.131-147.
“Boundedness in Temporal and Spatial Domains.” Cognitive Linguistics in the Redwoods, edited by Eugene H. Casad and Dirk Geeraerts. Berlin: Mouton-De Gruyter. Pp.655-692.
“Aspect and the Semantics of Noun Phrases.” Tense and Aspect in Discourse, edited by Co Vet and Carl Vetters. Berlin & New York: Mouton De Gruyter. Pp. 227-255.
“Quantificational Morphology.” Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL) II. The MIT Meeting 1993, edited by Sergey Avrutin, Steven Franks and Ljiljana Progovac. Ann Arbor Michigan Slavic Publications. Pp.144-177.
“On Genericity: A Case Study in Czech.” Proceedings the Berkeley Linguistic Society (BLS) 19, edited by Joshua Guenther and Barbara Kaiser. Berkeley: University of California at Berkeley. Pp.125-142.
“Aspect and the Semantics of Quantity of Verbal and Nominal Expressions.” Proceedings of the Eastern States Conference on Linguistics (ESCOL) 9, edited by Michael Bernstein. Ithaca: Cornell University. Pp.80-91.
“Verbal Aspect and Object Case Marking: A Comparison between Czech and Finnish.” Proceedings of the Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL) 22, edited by Joel Ashmore Nevis and Vida Samiian. Fresno: California State University. Pp.43-59.
“Aspect and Interpretation of Nominal Arguments.” Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS) 28, edited by Costas P. Canakis, Grace P. Chan and Jeanette Marshall Denton. Chicago: The University of Chicago. Pp. 139-158.
“Thematic Roles and Aspect.” Proceedings of the Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL) 20, edited by Barbara Birch, Katharine Hunt and Vida Samiian. Fresno: California State University. Pp. 88-99.
“Aspectual Properties of the AN-Construction in German.” Tempus – Aspekt – Modus. Die lexikalischen und grammatischen Formen in den germanischen Sprachen (‘Tense – Aspect – Mood. Lexical and Grammatical Forms in the Germanic Languages’). Linguistische Arbeiten, Band 237, edited by Werner Abraham and Theo Janssen. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag. Pp.259-292.
“The ‘Missing Subjects’ in German.” Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (BLS) 15, edited by Kira Hall, Michael Meacham and Richard Shapiro. Berkeley: University of California at Berkeley. Pp. 63-78.
1997 A review of Cognitive space and linguistic case: Semantic and syntactic categories in English by Izchak M. Schlesinger. Cambridge University Press. 1995. Journal of Linguistics 33:625-631.
1996 A review of Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics. The Ann Arbor Meeting, edited by Jindřich Toman. The Slavic and East European Journal 40:595-596.
1995 A review of Varieties of Czech: Studies in Czech Sociolinguistics edited by Eva Eckert. The Slavic and East European Journal 39:154-156.
1991 Translation from German into English of “Comments on John Searle: ‘Meaning, Communication, and Representation’” by Jürgen Habermas. In John Searle and his Critics, edited by Ernest Lepore and Robert Van Gulick. Cambridge, Mass. and Oxford, London: Basil Blackwell. Pp. 17-30.
1982 Translation from Russian into German of “Das Haus ohne Dichter” (The House without Poets) by Natalja Rubinstein. Neue Rundschau, 93. Jahrgang. Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlag. Pp.116-136.